MSA BLAT Score Browser Human Baboon Chimp Crab Eating Macaque Gibbon Green Monkey Rhesus
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Conversation of chr10:100381166..100381267 in Human

TE-derived TSS Region: chr10:100381166..100381267

This page displays the conservation of transposon (TE) - derived transcription start site (TSS) region across mammals.

Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA)

This figure displays the multiple sequence alignment of human TE-derived TSS region and homologous regions in mammals. You can discern the sequence similarity between them.

  • For what species were analyzed using BLAT?

  • Modified BLAT Score

    This figure illustrates the modified BLAT score of human TE-derived TSS region compared to other mammals based on BLAT analysis. To ensure alignment accuracy, we have selectively retained sequences with a modified BLAT score greater than 0.7.

  • What's modified BLAT score?

  • Multiple Sequence Alignment Browser

    Through the genome browser, you can explore the sequence features of homologous regions, including the presence of TE elements and their involvement as TSSs.

    Human Assembly: GRCh38
    TE-derived TSS Region:
    Baboon Assembly: papAnu4
    Modified BLAT Score: 0.95
    Region conserved to human TE-derived TSS Region:
    Chimp Assembly: panTro6
    Modified BLAT Score: 0.99
    Region conserved to human TE-derived TSS Region:
    Crab Eating Macaque Assembly: macFas5
    Modified BLAT Score: 0.931
    Region conserved to human TE-derived TSS Region:
    Gibbon Assembly: nomLeu3
    Modified BLAT Score: 0.95
    Region conserved to human TE-derived TSS Region:
    Green Monkey Assembly: chlSab2
    Modified BLAT Score: 0.95
    Region conserved to human TE-derived TSS Region:
    Rhesus Assembly: rheMac10
    Modified BLAT Score: 0.931
    Region conserved to human TE-derived TSS Region:

    Copyright © 2023.Tongji University, Life Science and Technology Department, Xiao-Ou Zhang Lab

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