TE-derived TSS in Mouse

This page displays information on mouse transposon (TE) - derived transcription start site (TSS). You can use the search box to enter the gene or transcript you are interested in and check if the gene or transcript utilizes TE-derived TSS.

Please click on "View" under the "Browser" section to see the expression of TE-derived TSS region in browser.

Please click on "View" under the "Conservation" section to check if the TE-derived TSS region is conserved in other mammal. If the option is not available, it means that the TE-derived TSS is only present in mouse and not conserved in the other species.

Please click on "View" under the "Motif" section to investigate the transcription factor motifs in the the TE-derived TSS region.

Percentage of Annotated/Predicted TE-TSS

  • What's the difference between annotated TE-derived TSS and predicted TE-derived TSS?

  • Download list:

    mouse TSS

    mouse TE-derived TSS

    Copyright © 2023.Tongji University, Life Science and Technology Department, Xiao-Ou Zhang Lab

    Contact us: zhangxiaoou@tongji.edu.cn

    Related Resource: Zhang-Lab Website